Our Vision and Values
Our school motto is ‘Together we Thrive’
Walsgrave Church of England Academy is a spiritual, friendly and successful two form entry school with around 455 pupils on roll, aged from 3 to 11 years old. We are located in the suburb of Coventry and have very close links with our local community.
Our whole school community values the contribution every child brings, which makes our school a happy and fun place to learn and work. Our mission statement is: ‘Together We Achieve, Individually We Grow’ and this sentiment underpins all we do.
Walsgrave Church of England Academy aims to encourage and uphold a Christian ethos through our relationships with one another, through our care for our school environment and through the values and principles we develop in our Collective Worship and whole school curriculum.
Our purpose is to provide all of our children with a distinctively Christian, broad and balanced curriculum, allowing all of our children to flourish academically, socially and emotionally, building the skills to ‘live life in all its fullness’ and reach their God given potential as individuals and as a collective. Our Vision and Values are lived daily by all within our school community. Being rooted in our Christian distinctiveness leads to effective nurturing of our diverse demographic, supporting the wellbeing of staff and children alike, inclusivity of all needs and backgrounds, building a sense of achievement, resilience and mutual trust and most importantly an element of trust.
We consider Walsgrave to be at the centre of the community, being relied on to support vast needs- thousands have been raised for charities, presents and food given to families in the community at Christmas, well being supported through visits to those needing it most and celebrating successes and achievements of those in the locality.
In our Church of England school, we aim to ensure that the Christian Faith is central to the life and worship of the school whilst across the Trust we show respect towards those of other faiths and beliefs.
- In our school community, we aim to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding in which the sanctity of the individual is cherished and where the children and adults show consideration, courtesy and respect for each other at all times.
- We aim to overcome any barriers to learning in order that children achieve their full potential.
- We aim for all members of our school community to feel safe, secure and successful.
- We aim to provide a dynamic and responsive curriculum, which stimulates a life long love of learning through which children develop the skills necessary to be successful citizens of the future.
- We aim for the children to be independent learners and feel confident to make decisions and take responsibility for their learning.
- We aim to constantly provide opportunities for children to engage with current and new technologies to enhance their learning experiences.
- We aim to develop effective partnerships between home, school, local, national and global communities