Enrichment Awards Scheme
Inspire Challenge Awards
At Inspire primaries, we put the wellbeing of every child first. Our priority is to ensure that our children have childhood experiences that will enhance their school life, provide memorable fun, developing a love of learning and a connection to their community and the world around them. We value home/school relationships and believe that we can work in partnership with families to develop children’s love of learning through enriching experiences that will create wonderful memories, develop skills and nurture talent. Inspire primaries are committed to ensuring children’s experiences extend far beyond the classroom, preparing them for life ahead.
The Inspire Challenge Awards is a home/school partnership scheme where, through sets of challenges, children will learn, investigate, observe, experience, play and enjoy the world around them outside school whilst making lasting memories. Children can earn key awards throughout their primary years achieving goals and challenges that work towards key stage achievements through the 8 key areas below:

This co-curricular approach ensures that home learning is purposeful, exciting and rewarding whilst building on core family values and wellbeing. The challenge awards work in conjunction with the 50 Things to do before you are 11¾ by the National Trust and the DfE Activity Passport for children. Challenges build up over key stages; (Reception), (Years 1 & 2), (Years 3 & 4), (Year 5 & 6) with a balance across all 8 areas of home learning.