Charities & Communities
At Walsgrave C of E Academy, we believe in unity, working collaboratively, and building purposeful relationships within our community. Relationships allow us to build success; whilst also allowing us to reflect on our best practise and build on feedback to continually grow.
At Walsgrave C of E Academy, we want to be the hub of our local community and so it is only right that all stake holders: parents, governors and staff work collaboratively to provide the best service for our children.
Our aim is to continually improve attainment and progress of all pupils. In addition, we aim to provision for our community that will contribute positively to be inclusive and allow the wellbeing of our community to thrive.
Friends of Walsgrave
After two years of disruption caused by the pandemic, the team, comprised of parents/carers of children in our school community, discussed possible events that could be held to provide fun, exciting and thoughtful opportunities for the children and the school community.
The team are keen to grow in size and would be grateful of any time you can give to support this. The first project will be launched on Monday (keep an eye out for the flyer) and further meetings will be placed throughout the year- dates of these meetings will come in due course. If you are interested in joining, please speak to Mrs Warde in Nursery or contact the Friends of Walsgrave email address at

Community partnership work with the Baptist church
We work closely with the Baptist church to update the flower beds outside of the school. Our Head boy and Head girl, alongside our Chair and Vice chair of the School council have updated the planters for the Autumn and Winter weather on its way.
You will see that there is a lovely label on the planting bed and we are really proud of the work we continue to do with the Baptist church. Please take a look when walking around our locality.

Remembrance and Poppy Appeal
It has been lovely to support the poppy appeal once again by selling merchandise to raise money.
We have been selling the items for less than a week and already we have made a massive amount of money.
Thank you so much for donating so kindly to such a worthy cause that has been hampered so much by COVID. We raised a sensational £721.

Children in Need
To support Children in Need, it was so pleasing to see everyone embracing the non- uniform day. There were fantastic outfits from children and lots of shared fun with the children and staff alike. The tremendous fundraising work tallied to a magnificent £355.

#Unitetheuniforms. Fundraising for the emergency services
We were invited to hold a unique non-uniform day in honour of the millions of people who have served in the NHS and emergency services. This is part of a campaign called #UniteTheUniforms for the @999Cenotaph.The campaign invites our children to wear the colours of the emergency services (red, blue, green or orange) and donating £1 towards building the UK’s first ‘Emergency Services Cenotaph’ which is supported by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, the Prime Minister and First Ministers of NI, Scotland and Wales. With so many of our families representing the emergency service, we feel incredibly privileged to raise money for such a worthy cause.
By the end of November, stood at £1686 and we haven’t even finished the Autumn term yet! Such a brilliant achievement from such a supportive community.